Monday, April 11, 2011

{It's the LittleThings that Make Me Happy}

New tranquil bedding.... beautiful to dress the bed by day; so warm and inviting at night!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Have a great week!


  1. There's something so wonderful about a beautifully made bed ... one that has fresh sheets and has been made up and waiting for us at the end of the day. Often, it's tempting to just get on with the day and leave the bed all in a tussle. But, at night, it feels so good (almost hotel-like) to see the neat bed, peel back the sheets (my favorite days are when the sheets are freshly laundered!) and slide in between the soft neatness!

  2. it's so nice to have fresh, new bedding! i completely agree.

  3. Ooooh, yes. Looks just like a posh bouutique-like hotel suite!~ Makes me sleepy just looking at this loveliness! :)

  4. Exactly the feelings I like to conjure ladies! Thanks for visiting have a great evening.

  5. That is such a beautiful bedding! I always sleep so much better when I have a sweet bedding:) Happy Tuesday, my dear
