Tuesday, May 18, 2010

While We Are On the Topic of Scents.....

There comes a time in a young girl's life where she graduates from wearing the cutesy lil Disney princess fragrances sold at commercial retailers nationwide.  You know the ones... the ones that smell like bubblegum or strawberries. 

But they are faced with a dilemma.  They are far too young for musky or heavily floral scents. So what's a young tween to do?

Gwen Stefani has come up with the perfect line of fragrances suitable for the 11-18 year old set.  Harajuku Lovers.  They smell beautiful and are not overpowering.  Not only that, it comes in adorable packaging which makes a delightful addition to their vanity table.  Today the lil Miss in my life reached a milestone in her life.  She just received Harajuku Lovers Baby as her very first "big girl" perfume. 

She smells sweet!


  1. Fab choice, so hard to resist! I'm sure this was a winner for sure :)The official website is so cute too - have you visited it?
    Can we stretch that age limit to 29? lol. I love baby & love. I was tempted by the holiday theme perfumes, but I forget which one didn't really transfer over so great. I have resisted so far ;)

  2. We can definitely stretch the age limit, for sure! :) I actually have the solid form of Love. It's in my purse for those occasions when I am running out the door and forget to spritz my perfume.

  3. It's a wonderful scent! I just purchased this perfume to my sister and I so regret that I haven't bought one for myself too :-)
